Workshop with Dr. Georg Lutz
18 October 2022
8:30 AM - Kounic hall of RMU, Fifth floor
We offer you a unique opportunity to meet Dr. Georg Lutz, Chair of the ESFRI Strategy Working Group on Social and Cultural Innovation (or Social Sciences and Humanities, SSH). He will be in Brno in connection with the ICRI 2022 (International Conference on Research Infrastructures).
You will have the opportunity to find out more about how to benefit from the activities of European SSH infrastructures that they offer to the scientific community and about opportunities to get actively involved in their activities or trends in this field. For organisational reasons, please confirm your attendance by 30 September 2022. So please send your suggestions or questions to make the meeting as targeted and as useful and effective as possible by 30 September 2022 to
We invite to the meeting researchers who are already interested in specific SSH infrastructures at Czech or European level through projects (GGP, LINDAT/CLARIAH, HUMELab , LEVYNA), as well as other potential interested parties.
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