Digital Data from a Humanities Researcher's Perspective | Second Annual Online Conference 23. 11. 2021

3 Nov 2021

The one-day online conference Digital Data from the Perspective of a Humanities Researcher invites representatives from the ranks of professionals, researchers, students and those interested in the digital humanities to a joint meeting. Come and learn about interesting digital projects carried out at the MU Faculty of Arts and beyond and be inspired by different research methods and digital tools. The conference will have two parts - a morning lecture session and an afternoon poster session.

Tuesday 23 November 2021 | online

This year, researchers from fields such as theatre studies, archaeology and data curation who work with digital data in the humanities will present their projects.

The event is a great opportunity to get feedback or suggestions, establish collaborations and meet partners for future projects.


Morning programme | 9:00-13:00, including a break

Presentation of tools, digital collections and projects in the humanities.

9:00 | Welcome and opening of the conference

Hana Kubelková

Brief welcome and introduction of the conference.

09:10 | Projectiles, dataset of research data of stone arrows of the older Bronze Age

Ludmila Kaňáková

Research on attractive artifacts such as projectiles or weapons in general in prehistory is burdened by the poor availability of artifacts for physical study and analysis. Researchers are thus dependent on published information, which tends to be very selective, illustrative and largely incomplete. In my research I have collected data on more than 400 projectiles, which thus constitute the largest analyzed collection of projectiles from European prehistory. I consider such a dataset a significant contribution to the understanding of the social and economic functions of projectiles in prehistoric societies. The dataset, created in collaboration with LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, contains not only photographs and a database description, but also an accurate 3D model and all traseological images with evidence of functional wear.

10:00 | THEATRE 3D

Ivona Solčániová, Roman Brück, Karolína Stehlíková, Ivan Málek

This paper will introduce Theatre 3D, an ongoing project in the field of practical research in theatre history. The aim of the project, funded by the University Development Fund, was to create fifteen 3D models of theatrical artefacts (buildings, objects, set design) to enable students on the Theatre Studies programme to understand more technically or ideologically challenging concepts. The models that have been created so far are now being used in the teaching of courses at both Bachelor and Master level (Theatre in European History, Ancient Theatre, Stage Analysis, Medieval Theatre, etc.) and as a testing aid for the Bachelor State Examination.

3D printing is realized in cooperation with the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts MU. The paper will illustrate the process of creating a model using 3D printing, including the preparation of data (measures of technical documentation or analysis of historical sources and subsequent creation of 3D visualization in CAD software), prepress preparation, actual printing and final processing. The potential of 3D printing lies in the polyfunctionality of the data bases (3D visualizations), which can be implemented in virtual reality. Educational materials are currently being developed that build on 3D models to build and further explain theatrical theories and their historical background.

11:10 | Data accessibility within the system of digital repositories of libraries and Webarchive in the Czech Republic

Zdenko Vozár

data accessibility within the system of digital repositories of libraries and Webarchive in the Czech Republic​

12:00 | Curating data: digital platforms in Digitalia MUNI ARTS

Michal Lorenz, Ema Juranová

Digitalia MUNI ARTS is a local node of the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ infrastructure, which collects, preserves and makes available digital platforms of researchers from the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. The digital platforms are stored in the Islandora system and their metadata is passed via the OAI-PMH protocol to the central LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ repository, ensuring their discoverability and accessibility within the wider ecology of European infrastructures. The Digitalia MUNI ARTS infrastructure is intended for the entire academic community of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, with support especially aimed at scholars oriented towards digital research in the humanities. In addition to the capabilities of the Islandora technical system, the infrastructure project explores research data practices and requirements for virtual research environments, and with the help of Matomo we plan to further investigate types of data interactions and modeling of user needs. Digital curation processes are taking place over the data from the transferred research projects to ensure long-term preservation and authenticity of the data, which is important not only for the digitisation of historical sources.

Afternoon programme: poster session | 14:00-15:30

The poster session will present activities that use digital data, databases, digital tools or information systems to carry out research and projects in the humanities and social sciences. .


Afternoon welcome.

14:05 | Představení posterů

Brief introduction of each poster (about 5 minutes per poster).

14:25 | Discussion with poster authors

15:30 | Discussions in separate online MS Teams rooms.

15:30 | Summary

Meeting in the common room, summary of the conference and farewell.

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